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Before & After

The Transformation Can Be Yours!

Mid-60's Female

Injecting Botox isn't your only hope!

1 month in, her frown lines  (a.k.a. 11 lines) disappeared!  

Mid-40's Female

2.5months in and her skin was GLOWING, face line was already sharper, and her cheeks were much more lifted.

Early 80's Female

She has facial paralysis and has difficulty controlling her left eye (Right side in the picture) .  It naturally wants to close.  This is the result after a 60min Private In Person Face Yoga Class; left eye opens naturally without effort.

Me!  Mid-40's and LOVING IT!

This is me.   

You decide whether Face Yoga is a journey you'd like to take

More Before & After Photos

Courtesy of Face Yoga Method

Face Yoga benefits all ages.  She's 30 and yet look at her After picture (Right)!Her skin is glowing, her cheeks are more lifted, and her jaw line is sharper!

She only practiced a few times a week but look at her transformation in the long run!  The results are mind blowing!

Incredible isn't it?  Her face is much more lifted and the droopiness and puffiness disappeared.

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